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Sep.02.2007  longwood gardens with parents
Aug.21.2005  mom dad in toronto and niagara falls
Oct.14.2004  radek dorota frederick
Oct.09.2004  radek dorota goodbye party
Sep.19.2004  radek dorota hershey park
Sep.11.2004  radek dorota niagara falls
Aug.29.2004  radek dorota atlantic city
Aug.14.2004  joao in philly
Sep.20.2003  grand dad in the us
Aug.04.2001  sandra in philly
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dima's and anya's wedding in puerto rico
phillies world series parade
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phillies world series win
6th year anniversary in ocean city, md
amsterdam, brugge, and ghent
barcelona, spain
mallorca, spain
lisbon, portugal
southeast shoot meet 08
paris, france
egypt and the nile with contiki
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